This document from the Ohio State Extension office, "Managing for Bobwhite Quail in Ohio's Agricultural Landscape" offers great advice.
"It is important to think of bobwhite habitat from a bobwhite’s eye view. Bobwhites live on the ground, so relatively open ground cover with dense overhead protective cover is ideal for these birds."
What can you do? First is delay mowing and haying until later in June if possible.
Second, consult back to this document which offers a great list of Bobwhite-friendly plants and suggestions for habitat mix.
Two of the most common are:
1. Misconception: Turkeys prevent bobwhite
populations from recovering. False.
2. Misconception: Predation by coyotes prevents bobwhite populations from recovering. False.
What can you do? Join Quail Forever or Pheasants Forever and help protect and restore habitat for our upland birds.
2. Misconception: Predation by coyotes prevents bobwhite populations from recovering. False.
What can you do? Join Quail Forever or Pheasants Forever and help protect and restore habitat for our upland birds.